4 For though he were crucified in weakness, yet in the might and power of God he lives, and though I have been weak in his weakness, yet shall I too live with him in the might of God, and show forth that might to you. Therefore, O my brethren, see to it whether ye be in the faith or no!
5 Examine yourselves on that point, and be thoroughly persuaded in your own minds that Jesus Christ is in you. Or else beware lest your discipleship be found at last unproved, empty, hollow.
6 I believe that you all know that my own discipleship has not been of that kind, that you all will know it shortly when I come to you with deeds, not words.
7 Yet I pray God that I may do nothing harsh to any of you, but that you yourselves may do what is good, and I continue, if necessary, to incur the charge of being without any proofs of my apostleship.
8 For all that I do, I can but do because it is the truth, and the action of truth. If it were not, we should have no power.
9 Therefore so long as you are healthy and sound, so long as your perfection approaches, and your power stands, I care not, Corinthians, if I be weak, if I be considered reprobate.
10 Therefore I write this beforehand, that you may take action yourselves before I come, that I may not need to use a cutting and a cleaving sword towards those wrongs when I come, but may use the authority which the Lord has given me, for building up, and not for pulling down.