11-12 My opinion is that the time has now arrived for this fund and collection to be completed, and for your final gifts to be made.
13-14 I know that you have already given sums to it, and your good will and desire to give has long been shown. Complete the matter now, and since you have this desire, give now what you can afford. Our giving is not the kind that injures and depletes oneself in order to confer largess on another; but it illustrates a law of fairness.
15 “He that gathered little had no lack, and he that gathered much had nothing over” (Ex. xvi. 18).
16-17 This principle goes so deep that in our faith what you have in abundance will minister to that where-with they are less well provided, whilst that which fills them to overflowing will supply all that you can want in the same direction. So wonderful is the spiritual manna of the word.
18-19 I thank God that Titus has the same feeling with me about this fund. My invitation to him to go to you about it chimed in with the plans and wishes he had already formulated in his own mind. So I am sending him, and with him that brother whose name has become famous throughout the churches for his service to the gospel. This brother was elected by the churches to travel with me in connection with this fund.
20 I praise God for this arrangement which met my own wishes in the matter.
21 I seek “favour and a good understanding in the sight of God and man” (Prov. iii. 4), and I am glad the churches have elected so well-known a man to help me, for the outsiders are sure to criticise my administration of this bounty.