Amos 4:6-13 MSG

6 “You know, don’t you, that I’m the Onewho emptied your pantries and cleaned out your cupboards,Who left you hungry and standing in bread lines?But you never got hungry for me. You continued to ignore me.”God’s Decree.

7-8 “Yes, and I’m the One who stopped the rainsthree months short of harvest.I’d make it rain on one villagebut not on another.I’d make it rain on one fieldbut not on another—and that one would dry up.People would stagger from village to villagecrazed for water and never quenching their thirst.But you never got thirsty for me.You ignored me.”God’s Decree.

9 “I hit your crops with diseaseand withered your orchards and gardens.Locusts devoured your olive and fig trees,but you continued to ignore me.”God’s Decree.

10 “I revisited you with the old Egyptian plagues,killed your choice young men and prize horses.The stink of rot in your camps was so strongthat you held your noses—But you didn’t notice me.You continued to ignore me.”God’s Decree.

11 “I hit you with earthquake and fire,left you devastated like Sodom and Gomorrah.You were like a burning sticksnatched from the flames.But you never looked my way.You continued to ignore me.”God’s Decree.

12 “All this I have done to you, Israel,and this is why I have done it.Time’s up, O Israel!Prepare to meet your God!”

13 Look who’s here: Mountain-Shaper! Wind-Maker!He laid out the whole plot before Adam.He brings everything out of nothing,like dawn out of darkness.He strides across the alpine ridges.His name is God, God-of-the-Angel-Armies.