27-29 They also made the tunics of fine linen, the work of a weaver, for Aaron and his sons, the turban of fine linen, the linen hats, the linen underwear made of fine twisted linen, and sashes of fine twisted linen, blue, purple, and scarlet material and embroidered, just as God had commanded Moses.
30-31 They made the plate, the sacred crown, of pure gold and engraved on it as on a seal: “Holy to God.” They attached a blue cord to it and fastened it to the turban, just as God had commanded Moses.
32 That completed the work of The Dwelling, the Tent of Meeting. The People of Israel did what God had commanded Moses. They did it all.
33-41 They presented The Dwelling to Moses, the Tent and all its furnishings:fastening hooksframescrossbarspostsbasestenting of tanned ram skinstenting of dolphin skinsveil of the screenChest of The Testimonywith its polesand Atonement-CoverTablewith its utensilsand the Bread of the PresenceLampstand of pure goldand its lamps all fitted outand all its utensilsand the oil for the lightGold Altaranointing oilfragrant incensescreen for the entrance to the TentBronze Altarwith its bronze grateits poles and all its utensilsWashbasinand its basehangings for the Courtyardits posts and basesscreen for the gate of the Courtyardits cords and its pegsutensils for ministry in The Dwelling, the Tent of Meetingwoven vestments for ministering in the Sanctuarysacred vestments for Aaron the priest,and his sons when serving as priests
42-43 The Israelites completed all the work, just as God had commanded. Moses saw that they had done all the work and done it exactly as God had commanded. Moses blessed them.