Isaiah 5:1-2-18-19 MSG

1-2 I’ll sing a ballad to the one I love,a love ballad about his vineyard:The one I love had a vineyard,a fine, well-placed vineyard.He hoed the soil and pulled the weeds,and planted the very best vines.He built a lookout, built a winepress,a vineyard to be proud of.He looked for a vintage yield of grapes,but for all his pains he got junk grapes.

3-4 “Now listen to what I’m telling you,you who live in Jerusalem and Judah.What do you think is going onbetween me and my vineyard?Can you think of anything I could have doneto my vineyard that I didn’t do?When I expected good grapes,why did I get bitter grapes?

5-6 “Well now, let me tell youwhat I’ll do to my vineyard:I’ll tear down its fenceand let it go to ruin.I’ll knock down the gateand let it be trampled.I’ll turn it into a patch of weeds, untended, uncared for—thistles and thorns will take over.I’ll give orders to the clouds:‘Don’t rain on that vineyard, ever!’”

7 Do you get it? The vineyard of God-of-the-Angel-Armiesis the country of Israel.All the men and women of Judahare the garden he was so proud of.He looked for a crop of justiceand saw them murdering each other.He looked for a harvest of righteousnessand heard only the moans of victims.

8-10 Doom to you who buy up all the housesand grab all the land for yourselves—Evicting the old owners,posting no trespassing signs,Taking over the country,leaving everyone homeless and landless.I overheard God-of-the-Angel-Armies say:“Those mighty houses will end up empty.Those extravagant estates will be deserted.A ten-acre vineyard will produce a pint of wine,a fifty-pound sack of seed, a quart of grain.”

11-17 Doom to those who get up earlyand start drinking booze before breakfast,Who stay up all hours of the nightdrinking themselves into a stupor.They make sure their banquets are well-furnishedwith harps and flutes and plenty of wine,But they’ll have nothing to do with the work of God,pay no mind to what he is doing.Therefore my people will end up in exilebecause they don’t know the score.Their “big men” will starve to deathand the common people die of thirst.Sheol developed a huge appetite,swallowing people nonstop!Big people and little people alikedown that gullet, to say nothing of all the drunks.The down-and-out on a parwith the high-and-mighty,Windbag boasters crumpled,flaccid as a punctured bladder.But by working justice,God-of-the-Angel-Armies will be a mountain.By working righteousness,Holy God will show what “holy” is.And lambs will grazeas if they owned the place,Kids and calvesright at home in the ruins.

18-19 Doom to you who use lies to sell evil,who haul sin to market by the truckload,Who say, “What’s God waiting for?Let him get a move on so we can see it.Whatever The Holy of Israel has cooked up,we’d like to check it out.”