Jeremiah 11:11-13-21-23 MSG

11-13 “Well, your God has something to say about this: Watch out! I’m about to visit doom on you, and no one will get out of it. You’re going to cry for help but I won’t listen. Then all the people in Judah and Jerusalem will start praying to the gods you’ve been sacrificing to all these years, but it won’t do a bit of good. You’ve got as many gods as you have villages, Judah! And you’ve got enough altars for sacrifices to that impotent sex god Baal to put one on every street corner in Jerusalem!”

14 “And as for you, Jeremiah, I don’t want you praying for this people. Nothing! Not a word of petition. Indeed, I’m not going to listen to a single syllable of their crisis-prayers.”

15-16 “What business do the ones I love have figuring outhow to get off the hook? And right in the house of worship!Do you think making promises and devising pious programswill save you from doom?Do you think you can get out of thisby becoming more religious?A mighty oak tree, majestic and glorious—that’s how I once described you.But it will only take a clap of thunder and a bolt of lightningto leave you a shattered wreck.

17 “I, God-of-the-Angel-Armies, who planted you—yes, I have pronounced doom on you. Why? Because of the disastrous life you’ve lived, Israel and Judah alike, goading me to anger with your continuous worship and offerings to that sorry god Baal.”

18-19 God told me what was going on. That’s how I knew.You, God, opened my eyes to their evil scheming.I had no idea what was going on—naive as a lambbeing led to slaughter!I didn’t know they had it in for me,didn’t know of their behind-the-scenes plots:“Let’s get rid of the preacher.That will stop the sermons!Let’s get rid of him for good.He won’t be remembered for long.”

20 Then I said, “God-of-the-Angel-Armies,you’re a fair judge.You examine and cross-examinehuman actions and motives.I want to see these people shown up and put down!I’m an open book before you. Clear my name.”

21-23 That sent a signal to God, who spoke up: “Here’s what I’ll do to the men of Anathoth who are trying to murder you, the men who say, ‘Don’t preach to us in God’s name or we’ll kill you.’ Yes, it’s God-of-the-Angel-Armies speaking. Indeed! I’ll call them to account: Their young people will die in battle, their children will die of starvation, and there will be no one left at all, none. I’m visiting the men of Anathoth with doom. Doomsday!”