31-32 “Do you get it, Mister Pride? I’m your enemy!”Decree of the Master, God-of-the-Angel-Armies.“Time’s run out on you:That’s right: It’s Doomsday.Mister Pride will fall flat on his face.No one will offer him a hand.I’ll set his towns on fire.The fire will spread wild through the country.”
33-34 And here’s more from God-of-the-Angel-Armies:“The people of Israel are beaten down,the people of Judah along with them.Their oppressors have them in a grip of steel.They won’t let go.But the Rescuer is strong:God-of-the-Angel-Armies.Yes, I will take their side,I’ll come to their rescue.I’ll soothe their land,but rough up the people of Babylon.
35-40 “It’s all-out war in Babylon”—God’s Decree—“total war against people, leaders, and the wise!War to the death on her boasting pretenders, fools one and all!War to the death on her soldiers, cowards to a man!War to the death on her hired killers, gutless wonders!War to the death on her banks—looted!War to the death on her water supply—drained dry!A land of make-believe gods gone crazy—hobgoblins!The place will be haunted with jackals and scorpions,night-owls and vampire bats.No one will ever live there again.The land will reek with the stench of death.It will join Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbors,the cities I did away with.” God’s Decree.“No one will live there again.No one will again draw breath in that land, ever.
41-43 “And now, watch this! People pouringout of the north, hordes of people,A mob of kings stirred upfrom far-off places.Flourishing deadly weapons,barbarians they are, cruel and pitiless.Roaring and relentless, like ocean breakers,they come riding fierce stallions,In battle formation, ready to fightyou, Daughter Babylon!Babylon’s king hears them coming.He goes white as a ghost, limp as a dishrag.Terror-stricken, he doubles up in pain, helpless to fight,like a woman giving birth to a baby.
44 “And now watch this: Like a lion coming upfrom the thick jungle of the Jordan,Looking for prey in the mountain pastures,I’ll take over and pounce.I’ll take my pick of the flock—and who’s to stop me?All the so-called shepherds are helpless before me.”
45-46 So, listen to this plan that God has worked out against Babylon, the blueprint of what he’s prepared for dealing with Chaldea:Believe it or not, the young,the vulnerable—mere lambs and kids—will be dragged off.Believe it or not, the flockin shock, helpless to help, watches it happen.When the shout goes up, “Babylon’s down!”the very earth will shudder at the sound.The news will be heard all over the world.