1-5 There’s more. God says more:“Watch this:I’m whipping upA death-dealing hurricane against Babylon—‘Hurricane Persia’—against all who live in that perverse land.I’m sending a cleanup crew into Babylon.They’ll clean the place out from top to bottom.When they get through there’ll be nothing left of herworth taking or talking about.They won’t miss a thing.A total and final Doomsday!Fighters will fight with everything they’ve got.It’s no-holds-barred.They will spare nothing and no one.It’s final and wholesale destruction—the end!Babylon littered with the wounded,streets piled with corpses.It turns out that Israel and Judahare not widowed after all.As their God, God-of-the-Angel-Armies, I am still alive and well,committed to them even thoughThey filled their land with sinagainst Israel’s most Holy God.
6-8 “Get out of Babylon as fast as you can.Run for your lives! Save your necks!Don’t linger and lose your lives to my vengeance on heras I pay her back for her sins.Babylon was a fancy gold chaliceheld in my hand,Filled with the wine of my angerto make the whole world drunk.The nations drank the wineand they’ve all gone crazy.Babylon herself will stagger and crash,senseless in a drunken stupor—tragic!Get anointing balm for her wound.Maybe she can be cured.”
9 “We did our best, but she can’t be helped.Babylon is past fixing.Give her up to her fate.Go home.The judgment on her will be vast,a skyscraper-memorial of vengeance.
10 “God has set everything right for us.Come! Let’s tell the good newsBack home in Zion.Let’s tell what our God did to set things right.