Job 22:12-14-26-30 MSG

12-14 “You agree, don’t you, that God is in charge?He runs the universe—just look at the stars!Yet you dare raise questions: ‘What does God know?From that distance and darkness, how can he judge?He roams the heavens wrapped in clouds,so how can he see us?’

15-18 “Are you going to persist in that tired old linethat wicked men and women have always used?Where did it get them? They died young,flash floods sweeping them off to their doom.They told God, ‘Get lost!What good is God Almighty to us?’And yet it was God who gave them everything they had.It’s beyond me how they can carry on like this!

19-20 “Good people see bad people crash, and call for a celebration.Relieved, they crow,‘At last! Our enemies—wiped out.Everything they had and stood for is up in smoke!’

21-25 “Give in to God, come to terms with himand everything will turn out just fine.Let him tell you what to do;take his words to heart.Come back to God Almightyand he’ll rebuild your life.Clean house of everything evil.Relax your grip on your moneyand abandon your gold-plated luxury.God Almighty will be your treasure,more wealth than you can imagine.

26-30 “You’ll take delight in God, the Mighty One,and look to him joyfully, boldly.You’ll pray to him and he’ll listen;he’ll help you do what you’ve promised.You’ll decide what you want and it will happen;your life will be bathed in light.To those who feel low you’ll say, ‘Chin up! Be brave!’and God will save them.Yes, even the guilty will escape,escape through God’s grace in your life.”