1-4 “I made a solemn pact with myselfnever to undress a girl with my eyes.So what can I expect from God?What do I deserve from God Almighty above?Isn’t calamity reserved for the wicked?Isn’t disaster supposed to strike those who do wrong?Isn’t God looking, observing how I live?Doesn’t he mark every step I take?
5-8 “Have I walked hand in hand with falsehood,or hung out in the company of deceit?Weigh me on a set of honest scalesso God has proof of my integrity.If I’ve strayed off the straight and narrow,wanted things I had no right to,messed around with sin,Go ahead, then—give my portion to someone who deserves it.
9-12 “If I’ve let myself be seduced by a womanand conspired to go to bed with her,Fine, my wife has every right to go aheadand sleep with anyone she wants to.For disgusting behavior like that,I’d deserve the worst punishment you could hand out.Adultery is a fire that burns the house down;I wouldn’t expect anything I count dear to survive it.
13-15 “Have I ever been unfair to my employeeswhen they brought a complaint to me?What, then, will I do when God confronts me?When God examines my books, what can I say?Didn’t the same God who made me, make them?Aren’t we all made of the same stuff, equals before God?