29-30 “Did I ever crow over my enemy’s ruin?Or gloat over my rival’s bad luck?No, I never said a word of detraction,never cursed them, even under my breath.
31-34 “Didn’t those who worked for me say,‘He fed us well. There were always second helpings’?And no stranger ever had to spend a night in the street;my doors were always open to travelers.Did I hide my sin the way Adam did,or conceal my guilt behind closed doorsBecause I was afraid what people would say,fearing the gossip of the neighbors so muchThat I turned myself into a recluse?You know good and well that I didn’t.
35-37 “Oh, if only someone would give me a hearing!I’ve signed my name to my defense—let theAlmighty One answer!I want to see my indictment in writing.Anyone’s welcome to read my defense;I’ll write it on a poster and carry it around town.I’m prepared to account for every move I’ve ever made—to anyone and everyone, prince or pauper.
38-40 “If the very ground that I farm accuses me,if even the furrows fill with tears from my abuse,If I’ve ever raped the earth for my own profitor dispossessed its rightful owners,Then curse it with thistles instead of wheat,curse it with weeds instead of barley.”The words of Job to his three friends were finished.