Job 34:1-4-21-28 MSG

1-4 Elihu continued:“So, my fine friends—listen to me,and see what you think of this.Isn’t it just common sense—as common as the sense of taste—To put our heads togetherand figure out what’s going on here?

5-9 “We’ve all heard Job say, ‘I’m in the right,but God won’t give me a fair trial.When I defend myself, I’m called a liar to my face.I’ve done nothing wrong, and I get punished anyway.’Have you ever heard anything to beat this?Does nothing faze this man Job?Do you think he’s spent too much time in bad company,hanging out with the wrong crowd,So that now he’s parroting their line:‘It doesn’t pay to try to please God’?

10-15 “You’re veterans in dealing with these matters;certainly we’re of one mind on this.It’s impossible for God to do anything evil;no way can the Mighty One do wrong.He makes us pay for exactly what we’ve done—no more, no less.Our chickens always come home to roost.It’s impossible for God to do anything wicked,for the Mighty One to subvert justice.He’s the one who runs the earth!He cradles the whole world in his hand!If he decided to hold his breath,every man, woman, and child would die for lack of air.

16-20 “So, Job, use your head;this is all pretty obvious.Can someone who hates order, keep order?Do you dare condemn the righteous, mighty God?Doesn’t God always tell it like it is,exposing corrupt rulers as scoundrels and criminals?Does he play favorites with the rich and famous and slight the poor?Isn’t he equally responsible to everybody?Don’t people who deserve it die without notice?Don’t wicked rulers tumble to their doom?When the so-called great ones are wiped out,we know God is working behind the scenes.

21-28 “He has his eyes on every man and woman.He doesn’t miss a trick.There is no night dark enough, no shadow deep enough,to hide those who do evil.God doesn’t need to gather any more evidence;their sin is an open-and-shut case.He deposes the so-called high and mighty without asking questions,and replaces them at once with others.Nobody gets by with anything; overnight,judgment is signed, sealed, and delivered.He punishes the wicked for their wickednessout in the open where everyone can see it,Because they quit following him,no longer even thought about him or his ways.Their apostasy was announced by the cry of the poor;the cry of the afflicted got God’s attention.