1 Oh, oh, oh . . .How the Master has cut down Daughter Zionfrom the skies, dashed Israel’s glorious city to earth,in his anger treated his favorite as throwaway junk.
2 The Master, without a second thought, took Israel in one gulp.Raging, he smashed Judah’s defenses,made hash of her king and princes.
3 His anger blazing, he knocked Israel flat,broke Israel’s arm and turned his back just as the enemy approached,came on Jacob like a wildfire from every direction.
4 Like an enemy, he aimed his bow, bared his sword,and killed our young men, our pride and joy.His anger, like fire, burned down the homes in Zion.
5 The Master became the enemy. He had Israel for supper.He chewed up and spit out all the defenses.He left Daughter Judah moaning and groaning.
6 He plowed up his old trysting place, trashed his favorite rendezvous.God wiped out Zion’s memories of feast days and Sabbaths,angrily sacked king and priest alike.