Nahum 3:1-4-14-15 MSG

1-4 Doom to Murder City—full of lies, bursting with loot, addicted to violence!Horns blaring, wheels clattering,horses rearing, chariots lurching,Horsemen galloping,brandishing swords and spears,Dead bodies rotting in the street,corpses stacked like cordwood,Bodies in every gutter and alley,clogging every intersection!And whores! Whores without end!Whore City,Fatally seductive, you’re the Witch of Seduction,luring nations to their ruin with your evil spells.

5-7 “I’m your enemy, Whore Nineveh—I, God-of-the-Angel-Armies!I’ll strip you of your seductive silk robesand expose you on the world stage.I’ll let the nations get their fill of the ugly truthof who you really are and have been all along.I’ll pelt you with dog dungand place you on a pedestal: ‘Slut on Exhibit.’Everyone who sees you will gag and say,‘Nineveh’s a pigsty:What on earth did we ever see in her?Who would give her a second look? Ugh!’”

8-13 Do you think you’re superior to Egyptian Thebes,proudly invincible on the River Nile,Protected by the great River,walled in by the River, secure?Ethiopia stood guard to the south,Egypt to the north.Put and Libya, strong friends,were ready to step in and help.But you know what happened to her:The whole city was marched off to a refugee camp,Her babies smashed to deathin public view on the streets,Her prize leaders auctioned off,her celebrities put in chain gangs.Expect the same treatment, Nineveh.You’ll soon be staggering like a bunch of drunks,Wondering what hit you,looking for a place to sleep it off.All your forts are like peach trees,the lush peaches ripe, ready for the picking.One shake of the tree and they fallstraight into hungry mouths.Face it: Your warriors are wimps.You’re sitting ducks.Your borders are gaping doors, invitingyour enemies in. And who’s to stop them?

14-15 Store up water for the siege.Shore up your defenses.Get down to basics: Work the clayand make bricks.Sorry. Too late.Enemy fire will burn you up.Swords will cut you to pieces.You’ll be chewed up as if by locusts.