12-13 Time to get up, God—get moving.The luckless think they’re Godforsaken.They wonder why the wicked scorn Godand get away with it,Why the wicked are so cocksurethey’ll never come up for audit.
14 But you know all about it—the contempt, the abuse.I dare to believe that the lucklesswill get lucky someday in you.You won’t let them down:orphans won’t be orphans forever.
15-16 Break the wicked right arms,break all the evil left arms.Search and destroyevery sign of crime.God’s grace and order wins;godlessness loses.
17-18 The victim’s faint pulse picks up;the hearts of the hopeless pump red bloodas you put your ear to their lips.Orphans get parents,the homeless get homes.The reign of terror is over,the rule of the gang lords is ended.