17 “Do you not understand that whatever enters into the mouth goes into the stomach, and is cast out in the sewer?
18 “But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and these defile the man.
19 “For out of the heart come forth wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, whorings, thefts, false witnessings, slanders.
20 “These defile the man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man.”
21 And יהושע went out from there and withdrew to the parts of Tsor and Tsiḏon.
22 And see, a woman of Kena‛an came from those borders and cried out to Him, saying, “Have compassion on me, O Master, Son of Dawiḏ! My daughter is badly demon-possessed.”
23 But He did not answer her a word. And His taught ones came and asked Him, saying, “Send her away, because she cries after us.”