31 and the half-tribe of Menashsheh eighteen thousand, who were designated by name to come and set up Dawiḏ to reign;
32 and the children of Yissasḵar who had understanding of the times, to know what Yisra’ĕl should do, their chiefs were two hundred. And all their brothers were at their command;
33 of Zeḇulun there were fifty thousand going out to the army, arranging battle with all weapons of battle, giving support with undivided heart;
34 and of Naphtali one thousand commanders, and with them thirty-seven thousand with shield and spear;
35 and of the Danites, arranging battle, twenty-eight thousand six hundred;
36 and of Ashĕr, going out to the army, arranging battle, forty thousand;
37 and of the Re’uḇĕnites and the Gaḏites and the half-tribe of Menashsheh, from beyond the Yardĕn, one hundred and twenty thousand armed for battle with every kind of weapon of battle.