12 The sons of Qehath: Amram, Yitshar, Ḥeḇron, and Uzzi’ĕl, four.
13 The sons of Amram: Aharon and Mosheh. And Aharon was set apart, he and his sons forever, that he should set apart the most set-apart, to burn incense before יהוה, to serve Him, and to give the blessing in His Name forever.
14 Now Mosheh, the man of Elohim, his sons were named after the tribe of Lĕwi.
15 The sons of Mosheh: Gĕreshom and Eli‛ezer.
16 The sons of Gĕreshom: Sheḇu’ĕl was the head.
17 And the sons of Eli‛ezer: Reḥaḇyah was the head. And Eli‛ezer had no other sons, but the sons of Reḥaḇyah were very many.
18 The sons of Yitshar: Shelomith was the head.