14 Now Mosheh, the man of Elohim, his sons were named after the tribe of Lĕwi.
15 The sons of Mosheh: Gĕreshom and Eli‛ezer.
16 The sons of Gĕreshom: Sheḇu’ĕl was the head.
17 And the sons of Eli‛ezer: Reḥaḇyah was the head. And Eli‛ezer had no other sons, but the sons of Reḥaḇyah were very many.
18 The sons of Yitshar: Shelomith was the head.
19 The sons of Ḥeḇron: Yeriyahu was the head, Amaryah the second, Yaḥazi’ĕl the third, and Yeqam‛am the fourth.
20 The sons of Uzzi’ĕl: Miḵah was the head and Yishshiyah the second.