16 And the sons of Yehoyaqim: Yeḵonyah his son and Tsiḏqiyah his son.
17 And the sons of Yeḵonyah the captive: She’alti’ĕl his son,
18 and Malkiram, and Peḏayah, and Shenatstsar, Yeqamyah, Hoshama, and Neḏaḇyah.
19 And the sons of Peḏayah: Zerubbaḇel and Shim‛i. The sons of Zerubbaḇel: Meshullam, and Ḥananyah, and Shelomith their sister,
20 and Ḥashuḇah, and Ohel, and Bereḵyah, and Ḥasaḏyah, Yushaḇ-Ḥeseḏ, five.
21 And the sons of Ḥananyah: Pelatyah and Yeshayah, the sons of Rephayah, the sons of Arnan, the sons of Oḇaḏyah, the sons of Sheḵanyah.
22 And the son of Sheḵanyah: Shemayah. The sons of Shemayah: Ḥattush, and Yig̅’al, and Bariyaḥ, and Ne‛aryah, and Shaphat, six.