9 And he dwelt eastward as far as the entrance of the wilderness from the River Euphrates, because their livestock had increased in the land of Gil‛aḏ.
10 And in the days of Sha’ul they fought against the Hag̅rites, who fell by their hand. And they dwelt in their tents over all the eastern part of Gil‛aḏ.
11 And the children of Gaḏ dwelt next to them in the land of Bashan as far as Salḵah:
12 Yo’ĕl was the chief, Shapham the next, then Ya‛anai and Shaphat in Bashan;
13 and their brothers of their father’s house: Miḵa’ĕl, and Meshullam, and Sheḇa, and Yorai, and Yakan, and Ziya, and Ěḇer, seven.
14 These were the children of Aḇiḥayil son of Ḥuri, son of Yarowaḥ, son of Gil‛aḏ, son of Miḵa’ĕl, son of Yeshishai, son of Yaḥdo, son of Buz;
15 Aḥi son of Aḇdi’ĕl, son of Guni, was chief of their father’s house.