37 son of Taḥath, son of Assir, son of Eḇyasaph, son of Qoraḥ,
38 son of Yitshar, son of Qehath, son of Lĕwi, son of Yisra’ĕl.
39 And his brother Asaph, who stood at his right hand, was Asaph son of Bereḵyahu, son of Shim‛a,
40 son of Miḵa’ĕl, son of Ba‛asĕyah, son of Malkiyah,
41 son of Ethni, son of Zeraḥ, son of Aḏayah,
42 son of Ěythan, son of Zimmah, son of Shim‛i,
43 son of Yaḥath, son of Gĕreshom, son of Lĕwi.