5 And it came to be, when Ba‛asha heard it, that he stopped building Ramah and ceased his work.
6 Then Asa the sovereign brought all Yehuḏah, and they took away the stones and timber of Ramah, which Ba‛asha had used for building. And with them he built Geḇa and Mitspah.
7 And at that time Ḥanani the seer came to Asa sovereign of Yehuḏah, and said to him, “Because you have relied on the sovereign of Aram, and have not relied on יהוה your Elohim, therefore the army of the sovereign of Aram has escaped from your hand.
8 “Were the Kushites and the Luḇim not a mighty army with very many chariots and horsemen? And because you relied on יהוה, He gave them into your hand.
9 “For the eyes of יהוה diligently search throughout all the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect to Him. You have acted foolishly in this, so from now on you shall have battles.”
10 And Asa was wroth with the seer, and put him in prison, for he was enraged at him because of this. And Asa oppressed some of the people at that time.
11 And look, the acts of Asa, the first and the last, see, they are written in the book of the sovereigns of Yehuḏah and Yisra’ĕl.