4 and the doors shall be shut in the streets, and the sound of grinding is low; and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are bowed down;
5 furthermore, they are afraid of what is high, and of low places in the way; and the almond tree blossoms, and the grasshopper becomes a burden, and desire perishes. For man is going to his everlasting home, and the mourners shall go about the streets.
6 Remember Him before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the jar shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well,
7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to Elohim who gave it.
8 “Futility! Futility!” said the Qoheleth, “All is futile.”
9 And besides being wise, Qoheleth also taught the people knowledge, and he listened and sought out – set in order many proverbs.
10 Qoheleth sought to find out words of delight, and words of truth, rightly written.