3 And his being clung to Dinah the daughter of Ya‛aqoḇ, and he loved the girl and spoke kindly to the girl.
4 And Sheḵem spoke to his father Ḥamor, saying, “Take this girl for me for a wife.”
5 And Ya‛aqoḇ heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter. Now his sons were with his livestock in the field, so Ya‛aqoḇ kept silent until they came.
6 And Ḥamor, the father of Sheḵem, went out to Ya‛aqoḇ to speak with him.
7 And the sons of Ya‛aqoḇ came in from the field when they heard it. And the men were grieved and very wroth, because he had done a senseless deed in Yisra’ĕl by lying with Ya‛aqoḇ’s daughter, which should not be done.
8 But Ḥamor spoke with them, saying, “My son Sheḵem’s being longs for your daughter. Please give her to him for a wife.
9 “And intermarry with us, give us your daughters and take our daughters for yourselves,