33 And their border was from Ḥeleph, from the terebinth tree in Tsa’anannim, and Aḏami Neqeḇ, and Yaḇne’ĕl, as far as Laqqum, and it ended at the Yardĕn.
34 And the border turned westward to Aznoth Taḇor, and went out from there toward Ḥuqqoq, and reached to Zeḇulun on the south side and Ashĕr on the west side, and ended at Yehuḏah by the Yardĕn toward the sunrise.
35 And the cities of defence were Tsiddim, Tsĕr, and Ḥammath, Raqqath, and Kinnereth,
36 and Aḏamah, and Ramah, and Ḥatsor,
37 and Qeḏesh, and Eḏre‛i, and Ěn Ḥatsor,
38 and Yiron, and Mig̅dal Ěl, Ḥorĕm, and Bĕyth Anath, and Bĕyth Shemesh – nineteen cities with their villages.
39 This was the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Naphtali for their clans, the cities with their villages.