1 And these are the nations which יהוה left, to try Yisra’ĕl by them, all those who had not known all the battles in Kena‛an,
2 only that the generations of the children of Yisra’ĕl might know, to teach them battle, only those who before did not know them:
3 five princes of the Philistines, and all the Kena‛anites, and the Tsiḏonians, and the Ḥiwwites who dwelt in Mount Leḇanon, from Mount Ba‛al Ḥermon to the entrance of Ḥamath.
4 And they were to try Yisra’ĕl by them, to know whether they would obey the commands of יהוה, which He had commanded their fathers by the hand of Mosheh.
5 Thus the children of Yisra’ĕl dwelt in the midst of the Kena‛anites, the Ḥittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Ḥiwwites, and the Yeḇusites,
6 and took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons, and they served their mighty ones.
7 Thus the children of Yisra’ĕl did evil in the eyes of יהוה, and forgot יהוה their Elohim, and served the Ba‛als and the Ashĕrahs.