15 They shouted at them, “Away! Unclean! Away! Away! Touch not!” When they fled and staggered, They said, among the gentiles, “They shall stay no longer.”
16 The face of יהוה scattered them. He no longer regards them. They showed no respect for the priests Nor favour to the elders.
17 While we exist, our eyes are consumed, Watching vainly for our help. In our watch-tower we watched for a nation That could not save.
18 They have hunted our steps From going in our streets. Our end was near, Our days were completed, For our end had come.
19 Our pursuers were swifter Than the eagles of the heavens. They came hotly after us on the mountains And lay in wait for us in the wilderness.
20 The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of יהוה, Was caught in their pits, In whose shadow we had thought To live among the gentiles.
21 Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Eḏom, You who dwell in the land of Uz! The cup is to pass over to you too, So that you become drunk and make yourself naked.