5 Ḥarim, Merĕmoth, Oḇaḏyah,
6 Dani’ĕl, Ginnethon, Baruḵ,
7 Meshullam, Aḇiyah, Miyamin,
8 Ma‛azyah, Bilgai, and Shemayah. These were the priests.
9 And the Lĕwites: both Yĕshua son of Atsanyah, Binnui of the sons of Ḥĕnaḏaḏ, Qaḏmi’ĕl.
10 And their brothers: Sheḇanyah, Hoḏiyah, Qelita, Pelayah, Ḥanan,
11 Miḵa, Reḥoḇ, Ḥashaḇyah,