21 By faith Jacob, as he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and he bowed in worship while leaning on the top of his staff.
22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, made mention of the exodus of Bnei-Yisrael and gave instructions about his bones.
23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because they saw he was an extraordinary child and they were not afraid of the king’s decree.
24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.
25 Instead he chose to suffer mistreatment along with the people of God, rather than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin.
26 He considered the disgrace of Messiah as greater riches than the treasures of Egypt—because he was looking ahead to the reward.
27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger—for he persevered as if seeing the One who is invisible.