5 Then He pours water into a basin. He began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel wrapped around Him.
6 Then He comes to Simon Peter, who says to Him, “Master, are You going to wash my feet?”
7 Yeshua responded, “You don’t know what I am doing now, but you will understand after these things.”
8 Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!” Yeshua answered him, “If I don’t wash you, you have no part with Me.”
9 Simon Peter said to Him, “Master, then not only my feet, but also my hands and my head!”
10 Yeshua said to him, “He who has bathed has no need to wash, except the feet; he is completely clean. And you all are clean, though not every one.”
11 He knew who was betraying Him; for this reason, He said, “Not all of you are clean.”