9 Remember what Adonai your God did to Miriam, along the way when you were coming out from Egypt.
10 “When you make any kind of loan to your neighbor, you are not to go into his house to get his pledge.
11 You are to stand outside, and the man to whom you are making the loan is to bring the pledge outside to you.
12 If he is a poor man, you are not to sleep with his pledge .
13 You must certainly restore the pledge to him when the sun sets, so that he may sleep in his coat and bless you—and it is to be righteousness for you before Adonai your God.
14 “You are not to oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is from your brothers or the outsiders in your land within your town gates.
15 On that day you are to give him his wages—the sun is not to set on it—for he is poor and sets his heart on it. Otherwise he will cry out against you to Adonai, and you will have sin on you.