23 But if any harm follows, then you are to penalize life for life,
24 eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 burn for burn, wound for wound, blow for blow.
26 “If a man strikes the eye of his male or female slave and destroys it, he must let him go free for the sake of his eyesight.
27 If he strikes out his slave’s tooth, he must let him go free for the sake of his tooth.
28 “If an ox gores a man or a woman so that they die, the ox must surely be stoned, and its meat is not to be eaten, but the owner of the ox will be cleared.
29 If the ox was given to goring in times past, and a warning has been given to its owner, yet he has not kept it pent up, and it has killed a man or a woman, then the ox must be stoned and its owner must also be put to death.