22 I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel, and one king will be king to them all. They will no longer be two nations and never again be divided into two kingdoms.
23 They will never again be defiled with their idols, their detestable things or with any of their transgressions. I will save them out of all their dwellings in which they sinned. I will purify them. Then they will be My people and I will be their God.
24 My servant David will be king over them. They will all have One Shepherd. They will walk in My ordinances and observe My rulings and do them.
25 They will live in the land that I gave to My servant Jacob, where your ancestors lived. They will live there—they, their children and their children’s children, forever, and My servant David will be their prince forever.
26 I will cut a covenant of shalom with them—it will be an everlasting covenant with them. I will give to them and multiply them. I will set up My Sanctuary among them forever.
27 My dwelling-place will be over them. I will be their God and they will be My people.
28 Then the nations will know that I am Adonai who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary is in their midst forever.’”