2 “The lovely, delicate Daughter of Zion I will cut off.”
3 Shepherds with their flocks are coming against her. All around her they pitch their tents, each pasturing in his own place.
4 “Prepare for war against her. Rise up! Let’s attack at noon.” “Oy for us! For day is fading— evening shadows are lengthening.”
5 “Rise up! Let’s attack at night and destroy her palaces.”
6 For thus says Adonai-Tzva’ot: “Chop down her trees! Raise a siege ramp at Jerusalem. This city must be punished— in her midst is only oppression.
7 As a well gushes out its waters, so she pours out her wickedness. Violence and havoc are heard in her, sickness and wounds ever before Me.
8 Be warned, O Jerusalem, lest I abandon you, lest I make you desolate— an uninhabited land.”