4 Adonai, when You came out from Seir, when You marched from Edom’s field, the earth trembled, the heavens also dropped, yes, the clouds dropped water.
5 The mountains quaked before Adonai, this Sinai at the presence of Adonai, the God of Israel!
6 In the days of Shamgar son of Anath, in the days of Yael, the highways were deserted, travelers walked by crooked paths.
7 Villages were deserted in Israel, deserted, until I, Deborah, arose, a mother in Israel arose.
8 They chose new gods— then war was in the gates. No shield or spear was seen among 40,000 in Israel!
9 My heart is with Israel’s rulers, who offer themselves freely among the people. Bless Adonai!
10 Riders on white donkeys, sitting on saddle blankets, traveling on the road, sing!