32 For your voice has surely been heard before the Most High: for the Mighty has seen your righteous dealing, he has seen aforetime also your chastity, which you have had ever since your youth.
33 And therefore has he sent me to show you all these things, and to say to you, Be of good comfort, and fear not.
34 And be not hasty in regard of the former times, to think vain things, that you may not hasten in the latter times.
35 And it came to pass after this, that I wept again, and fasted seven days in like manner, that I might fulfil the three weeks which he told me.
36 And in the eighth night was my heart vexed within me again, and I began to speak before the Most High.
37 For my spirit was greatly set on fire, and my soul was in distress.
38 And I said, O Lord, of a truth you spoke at the beginning of the creation, upon the first day, and said thus; Let heaven and earth be made; and your word perfected the work.