17 therefore will I begin to pray before you for myself and for them: for I see the falls of us that dwell in the land;
18 but I have heard the swiftness of the judgment which is to come.
19 Therefore hear my voice, and understand my saying, and I will speak before you. The beginning of the words of Esdras, before he was taken up. And he said,
20 O Lord, you that abidest for ever, whose eyes are exalted, and whose chambers are in the air;
21 whose throne is inestimable; whose glory may not be comprehended; before whom the hosts of angels stand with trembling,
22 at whose bidding they are changed to wind and fire; whose word is sure, and sayings constant; whose ordinance is strong, and commandment fearful;
23 whose look dries up the depths, and whose indignation makes the mountains to melt away, and whose truth bears witness: