33 For the just, which have many good works laid up with you, shall for their own deeds receive reward.
34 For what is man, that you should take displeasure at him? or what is a corruptible race, that you should be so bitter toward it?
35 For in truth there is no man among them that be born, but he has dealt wickedly; and among them that have lived there is none which have not done amiss.
36 For in this, O Lord, your righteousness and your goodness shall be declared, if you be merciful to them which have no store of good works.
37 Then answered he me, and said, Some things have you spoken aright, and according to your words so shall it come to pass.
38 For indeed I will not think on the fashioning of them which have sinned, or their death, their judgement, or their destruction;
39 but I will rejoice over the framing of the righteous, their pilgrimage also, and the salvation, and the reward, that they shall have.