3 And when there shall be seen in the world earthquakes, disquietude of peoples, devices of nations, wavering of leaders, disquietude of princes,
4 then shall you understand, that the Most High spoke of these things from the days that were aforetime from the beginning.
5 For like as of all that is made in the world, the beginning is evident, and the end manifest;
6 so also are the times of the Most High: the beginnings are manifest in wonders and mighty works, and the end in effects and signs.
7 And everyone that shall be saved, and shall be able to escape by his wotks, or by faith, whereby he has believed,
8 shall be preserved from the said perils, and shall see my salvation in my land, and within my borders, which I have sanctified for me from the beginning.
9 Then shall they be amazed, which now have abused my ways: and they that have cast them away despitefully shall dwell in torments.