15 And Maccabaeus gave consent upon all the conditions which Lysias proposed to him, being careful of the common good; for whatever requests Maccabaeus delivered in writing to Lysias concerning the Jews the king allowed.
16 For the letters written to the Jews from Lysias were to this effect: Lysias to the people of the Jews, greeting.
17 John and Absalom, who were sent from you, having delivered the petition written below, made request concerning the things signified therein.
18 What things soever therefore had need to be brought before the king I declared to him, and what things were possible he allowed.
19 If then you⌃ will preserve your good will toward the state, henceforward also will I endeavor to contribute to your good.
20 And on this behalf I have given order in detail, both to these men and to those that are sent from me, to confer with you.
21 Fare you⌃ well. Written in the hundred forty and eighth year, on the four and twentieth day of the month Dioscorinthius.