6 But when Maccabaeus and his men learned that he was besieging the strongholds, they and all the people with lamentations and tears made supplication to the Lord to send a good angel to save Israel.
7 And Maccabaeus himself took up arms first, and exhorted the others to jeopard themselves together with him and succour their brethren; and they sallied forth with him right willingly.
8 And as they were there, close to Jerusalem, there appeared at their head one on horseback in white apparel, brandishing weapons of gold.
9 And they all together praised the merciful God, and were yet more strengthened in heart: being ready to assail not men only but the wildest beasts, and walls of iron,
10 they advanced in array, having him that is in heaven to fight on their side, for the Lord had mercy on them.
11 And hurling themselves like lions upon the enemy, they killed of them eleven thousand footmen and sixteen hundred horsemen, and forced all the rest to flee.
12 But the more part of them escaped wounded and naked; and Lysias also himself escaped by shameful flight.