21 Maccabaeus, perceiving the presence of the troops, and the various arms with which they were equipped, and the savageness of the elephants, holding up his hands to heaven called upon the Lord that works wonders, recognising that success comes not by arms, but that, according as the Lord shall judge, he gaineth the victory for them that are worthy.
22 And calling upon God he said after this manner: You, O Sovereign Lord, did send your angel in the time of Hezekiah king of Judaea, and he killed of the host of Sennacherib as many as a hundred fourscore and five thousand;
23 so now also, O Sovereign of the heavens, send a good angel before us to bring terror and trembling:
24 through the greatness of your arm let them be stricken with dismay that with blasphemy are come here against your holy people. And as he ended with these words,
25 Nicanor and his company advanced with trumpets and paeans;
26 but Judas and his company joined battle with the enemy with invocation and prayers.
27 And contending with their hands, and praying to God with their hearts, they killed no less than thirty and five thousand men, being made exceeding glad by the manifestation of God.