16 But since it seemed good to you to exhibit your glory among your people Israel, you did sanctify this place.
17 Punish us not by means of the uncleanness of their men, nor chastise us by means of their profanity; lest the lawless ones should boast in their rage, and exult in exuberant pride of speech, and say,
18 We have trampled upon the holy house, as idolatrous houses are trampled upon.
19 Blot out our iniquities, and do away with our errors, and show forth your compassion in this hour.
20 Let your mercies quickly go before us. Grant us peace, that the cast down and broken hearted may praise you with their mouth.
21 At that time God, who sees all things, who is beyond all Holy among the holy, heard that prayer, so suitable; and scourged the man greatly uplifted with scorn and insolence.
22 Shaking him to and fro as a reed is shaken with the wind, he cast him upon the pavement, powerless, with limbs paralyzed; by a righteous judgment deprived of the faculty of speech.