18 Conversation grew on, and the king sent for Hermon, and enquired of him, with fierce denunciations, why the Jews had been allowed to outlive that day.
19 Hermon explained that he had done his bidding over night; and in this he was confirmed by his friends.
20 The king, then, with a barbarity exceeding that of Phalaris, said, That they might thank his sleep of that day. Lose no time, and get ready the elephants against tomorrow, as you did before, for the destruction of these accursed Jews.
21 When the king said this, the company present were glad, and approved; and then each man went to his own home.
22 Nor did they employ the night in sleep, so much as in contriving cruel mockeries for those deemed miserable.
23 The morning cock had just crowed, and Hermon, having harnessed the brutes, was stimulating them in the great colonnade.
24 The city crowds were collected together to see the hideous spectacle, and waited impatiently for the dawn.