1 And Tobit made an end of giving thanks.
2 And he was eight and fifty years old when he lost his sight; and after eight years he received it again: and he gave alms, and he feared the Lord God more and more, and gave thanks to him.
3 Now he grew very old; and he called his son, and the six sons of his son, and said to him, My child, take your sons: behold, I am grown old, and am ready to depart out of this life.
4 Go into Media, my child, for I surely believe all the things which Jonah the prophet spoke of Nineveh, that it shall be overthrown, but in Media there shall rather be peace for a season; and that our brethren shall be scattered in the earth from the good land; and Jerusalem shall be desolate, and the house of God in it shall be burned up, and shall be desolate for a time;
5 and God shall again have mercy on them, and bring them back into the land, and they shall build the house, but not like to the former house, until the times of that age be fulfilled; and afterward they shall return from the places of their captivity, and build up Jerusalem with honor, and the house of God shall be built in it for ever with a glorious building, even as the prophets spoke concerning it.