7 And Tobias said to him, Wait for me, and I will tell my father.
8 And he said to him, Go, and wait not. And he went in and said to his father, Behold, I have found one which will go with me. But he said, Call him to me, that I may know of what tribe he is, and whether he be a trusty man to go with you.
9 And he called him, and he came in, and they saluted one another.
10 And Tobit said to him, Brother, of what tribe and of what family are you? Show me.
11 And he said to him, Seek you a tribe and a family, or a hired man which shall go with your son? And Tobit said to him, I would know, brother, your kindred and your name.
12 And he said, I am Azarias, the son of Ananias the great, of your brethren.
13 And he said to him, Welcome, brother; and be not angry with me, because I sought to know your tribe and family: and you are my brother, of an honest and good lineage: for I knew Ananias and Jathan, the sons of Shemaiah the great, when we went together to Jerusalem to worship, and offered the firstborn, and the tenths of our increase; and they went not astray in the error of our brethren: my brother, you are of a great stock.