1 Love righteousness, you⌃ that be judges of the earth, Think you⌃ of the Lord with a good mind, And in singleness of heart seek you⌃ him;
2 Because he is found of them that tempt him not, And is manifested to them that do not distrust him.
3 For crooked thoughts separate from God; And the supreme Power, when it is brought to the proof, puts to confusion the foolish:
4 Because wisdom will not enter into a soul that deviseth evil, Nor dwell in a body that is held in pledge by sin.
5 For a holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit. And will start away from thoughts that are without understanding, And will be put to confusion when unrighteousness has come in.
6 For wisdom is a spirit that loves man, And she will not hold a blasphemer guiltless for his lips; Because God bears witness of his reins, And is a true overseer of his heart, And a hearer of his tongue:
7 Because the spirit of the Lord has filled the world, And that which holds all things together has knowledge of every voice.