3 For verily the old inhabitants of your holy land,
4 Hating them because they practised detestable works of enchantments and unholy rites
5 (Merciless slaughters of children, And sacrificial banquets of men’s flesh and of blood),
6 Confederates in an impious fellowship, And murderers of their own helpless babes, It was your counsel to destroy by the hands of our fathers;
7 That the land which in your sight is most precious of all lands Might receive a worthy colony of God’s servants.
8 Nevertheless even these you did spare as being men, And you sent hornets as forerunners of your host, To cause them to perish by little and little;
9 Not that you were unable to subdue the ungodly under the hand of the righteous in battle, Or by terrible beasts or by one stern word to make away with them at once;