12 And burning the refuse of his handywork to dress his food, eats his fill;
13 And taking the very refuse thereof which served to no use, A crooked piece of wood and full of knots, Carveth it with the diligence of his idleness, And shapeth it by the skill of his indolence; Then he gives it the semblance of the image of a man,
14 Or makes it like some paltry animal, Smearing it with vermilion, and with paint colouring it red, And smearing over every stain that is therein;
15 And having made for it a chamber worthy of it, He sets it in a wall, making it fast with iron.
16 While then he takes thought for it that it may not fall down, Knowing that it is unable to help itself; (For verily it is an image, and has need of help;)
17 When he makes his prayer concerning goods and his marriage and children, He is not ashamed to speak to that which has no life;
18 Yes for health he calls upon that which is weak, And for life he implores that which is dead, And for aid he supplicateth that which has least experience. And for a good journey that which can’t so much as move a step,